Birch Performance Data

2023 KS2 Department for Education Primary School Performance Data


As of November 2023 the Primary school performance data was published.


Please find the data with regards to our school's results below:


Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths

  • Reading, Writing and Maths combined 91%
  • Reading 91% 
  • Writing 91%
  • Maths 95%
  • Average scaled score READING 108
  • Average scaled score MATHS 109


Percentage of pupils who achieved GREATER DEPTH

  • Reading, writing, maths combined 0%
  • Reading 50%
  • Writing 9%
  • GPS 50%
  • Maths 32%



Average Progress scores in reading, writing and maths

  • Reading  1.2           
  • Writing (TA) 0.2  
  • Maths   0.9