Sports Reports

2023-2024 Sport at Birch


Year 5/6 netball tournament

Year 4 football tournament

Year 5/6 Tag-rugby Colchester Schools' tournament

Rugby tournament (24th January 2024)

I was so so proud of the children that made up our rugby team in the tournament this morning! The effort, determination and team work they showed was absolutely brilliant. They should all be thoroughly pleased with themselves. Every one of them excelled. We won our first game 8-0 (Each game was only 8 minutes long so this scoreline was incredible!). We unfortunately lost the next one, which was against Oxford House, however this set up a final group game against Heathlands, who do very well at school sports competitions year on year, with 2nd place in the group up for grabs. After a thrilling 2-2 draw, we were given the 2nd place spot purely because we had conceded just 1 try less than them. Phew!

The teams were then reorganised and we played against the other 3 teams that also finished 2nd in their groups. We won only one of these but were incredibly unlucky with the referee's decisions in one particular game that we deserved to win. We ended the morning with a defeat to Kelvedon which placed us 7th overall from the 17 schools that attended - a fantastic result for a school of our size!

Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics - Dec 2023

Colchester Schools' Year 3/4 Sports Festival - Nov 2023

Year 5/6 Schools' Football League - Match 1 V St. Luke's, Nov 2023

Tiptree & Stanway Schools' Consortium Fun Run event - Nov 2023

Annual Colchester Schools' Cross-Country Competition - Nov 2023

Birch Whole school Inclusive Rugby Festival - Oct 2023



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