
Admissions Arrangements for September 2024-25

Essex County Council's 'Primary Education in Essex Guide for 2024-25 admissions'

Supplementary Information Form (for submission with admissions applications for Points 4,5 & 6 of our published admissions arrangements)


Virtual School Tour from our Headteacher 

Introduction and Class 1 and 2

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A brief, slightly out-of-focus tour through the EYFS and KS1 classes.

A 'starting school' welcome booklet for parents/carers of potential new Reception children starting in Class 1.

The KS2 classes: classes 3,4 and 5

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A quick spin through the other classes - sadly, my camera work has not improved!
I will upload some more short films a later date to show other areas and aspects of school life

Frequently asked questions by prospective parents