Well being


Well being at Birch 


During 2021/22 coming out of the pandemic we have continued to focus on everyones well being.  For the children this starts with positive relationships between staff and children, and a reward focused behaviour policy.


We have a detailed PSHE programme that addresses how the children feel, what it is like to be a member of the school community and where to seek help when things don't feel right.


We assist in the development of self-care and openly discuss feelings and moods during this transitioning time.  The children have access to resources to enable them to communicate with the staff in varying ways, for example 'The Worry Monster', the children can post their worries and a post box communication system with the Headteacher. 


For children with additional needs, the 'One Plan' approach will also include targeted well being support.


For children of service families we maintain high levels of TA support to identify and respond to any transitional needs, this provides a good level of extended pastoral care.  The children have a weekly option to meet with the Headteacher every Friday lunchtime to share their experience in a nurture group, talk about any parents that are working away from home and to identify any parents that are travelling abroad on the world map on the Headteachers wall. 


There is a weekly staff meeting where any concerns are shared about and any actions identified.  This enables clear communication between staff members to discuss, as a whole school approach ,to the children's well being.  


We use a system called CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System) to record and share as much information as possible about what children are experiencing.


The school continues to be committed to staff well being and employs a company to identify and work closely with staff to improve well being.  Groups of staff meet on a regular basis to provide feedback to the Senior Leadership Team.


The school is currently undertaking a mental health audit across all groups within the school.  In addition to this The Revd. Kate Moore is a qualified Senior Mental Health Lead.


We acknowledge that during the pandemic relationships have been challenging and we actively work as a school community to refocus, and identify areas of improvement.



Signposting and External Support Links

'How to Look after your mental Health' - A document published by The Mental Health Foundation

Wellbeing Pathway (Parental Guide)
